000343_news@columbia.edu_Mon Nov 6 08:12:59 1995.msg
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From: JJSTEP00@ukcc.uky.edu (Jason Stephenson)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: Hangup on receive
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 95 13:12:59 EST
Organization: The University of Kentucky
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Answering my question,
In article <47de00$q7a@gateway.dircsa.org.au>
arthur@gateway.dircsa.org.au (Arthur Marsh) writes:
>Have you tried getting your modem to ignore DTR (&D0), and consulted with Mac
>modem experts on settings, hardware-handshaking cables and the like?
I solved this problem over the weekend. It involves turning off the
"Teleport" INIT that came with my modem. Seems it does some strange things
when the serial port opens. I still have other problems with downloading
but have narrowed that down to bad phone lines and crappy modems on the
other end of the connection. Seems the University has some 9600 baud modems
on the verge of expiration. Z-Modem doesn't like downloading from other
servers when I dial in to the same modem pool. Kermit doesn't work, either,
for file transfers if I get a bad modem. Works great in terminal emulation,
I do have one other comment to add concerning the internals of Mac-Kermit:
I was downloading a 4 Meg file the other day (actually got a decent connection)
and when I had about ten minutes of transfer left, my machine locked up. I
diagnosed the problem to be memory related (stack running into the heap).
This kind of thing happens when to many static variables collide with too
many calls to malloc. The short term solution is to give MacKermit a huge
(over 1 Meg) partition when you plan to download large files. The long term
soution is to change the memory allocation scheme in the ckc*.c file[s]
(don't remember which one) to work with the idiosyncracies of Macintosh
memory management. But that would mean "more #ifdefs galore," to borrow a
line from our fearless leader, FDC.